Affordable Dental Crowns for Philadelphia Smiles

A dental crown can play a crucial role in maintaining and improving the health and appearance of a patient’s smile. And patients in and around Philadelphia trust Penn Dental Medicine at PHMC Public Health Campus on Cedar for effective and affordable dental crowns.

What Are Dental Crowns and What Do They Do?

A woman winces as she holds her right hand to her mouth where she feels pain from a damaged tooth.A dental crown is a dental restoration that completely encases the entire visible portion of a tooth. It is custom-made to fit over the existing tooth and is cemented into place.

Dental crowns can:

  • Restore the shape, size, and strength of a tooth compromised by decay, injury, or wear and tear.
  • Protect and support a tooth after a root canal procedure, since the tooth may be more brittle.
  • Improve a tooth’s appearance.
  • Protect a weak or damaged tooth from further decay, acting as a “cap” that shields the tooth from bacteria and other harmful substances.
  • Hold together a cracked tooth.
  • Cover a dental implant to make it look and function like a natural tooth.
  • Anchor a dental bridge in place.

What Materials Are Dental Crowns Made Of?

The type of material used to make crowns depends on the patient’s needs and preferences, and the location of the tooth being restored.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

PFM crowns consist of a metal substructure, typically made of gold or platinum, with a porcelain layer fused to the outside.

PFM crowns are a popular choice for front teeth due to their aesthetic appeal. They may not be as suitable for molars, however, due to the risk of the porcelain chipping.

All-Ceramic Crowns

Unlike other crowns, all-ceramic (all-porcelain) crowns contain no metal, often resulting in a more natural, translucent appearance. They’re an ideal choice for front teeth or any visible areas of the mouth.

All-ceramic crowns are also biocompatible, meaning they are less likely to cause allergic reactions or sensitivity.

All-Resin Crowns

Resin crowns are made of a durable, natural-looking dental resin matched to the color of your existing teeth. They are virtually undetectable when you smile.

Resin crowns are among the most affordable dental crowns. With proper care and maintenance, they can last several years.

However, they aren’t as strong or resistant to wear as other crowns. They may not be the best choice for the back teeth, which endure heavy chewing forces.

Metal Crowns

An affordable prosthodontist holds an affordable dental bridge in gloved hands before placing it in a patient’s mouth.

Gold alloy crowns are made from a mixture of gold, copper, and such other metals as silver or platinum. This combination of metals creates a crown that is not only strong and resistant to wear but also biocompatible. Gold alloy crowns are popular for back teeth, which need extra strength to withstand the forces of chewing and grinding.

Base metal alloy crowns are made from such nonprecious metals as nickel, chromium, and cobalt. These crowns are also highly durable, making them a reliable option for patients who need a long-term solution. Base metal alloy crowns are often used when minimal tooth structure is available, as they require less tooth preparation compared to other types of crowns.

While some patients prefer the natural look of porcelain or ceramic crowns, others appreciate the subtle sheen and warmth of gold alloy crowns. Base metal alloy crowns can be given a tooth-colored coating to help them blend in with surrounding teeth.

Metal crowns can last for many years with proper care and maintenance.

What’s the Difference Between Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges?

A woman reclining in a dental chair smiles as an affordable prosthodontist in Philadelphia completes placing a dental crown.

Dental crowns and dental bridges are both prosthetic appliances. A crown covers a damaged or weakened tooth. A bridge replaces one or more missing teeth.

A bridge is one or more artificial teeth (pontics) held in place by crowns on either side. The crowns are cemented onto the teeth adjacent to the space the missing tooth or teeth created.

Someone with a damaged or discolored tooth committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and practicing healthy dental habits could be a good candidate for crowns.

Someone who is missing one or more teeth and is in good overall oral health—with healthy gums and enough remaining bone structure—is a good candidate for a bridge.

Both crowns and bridges require regular brushing and flossing, as well as regular dental checkups. Bridges may require additional care, such as using a special floss threader to clean underneath the artificial teeth and keeping an eye on the supporting crowns’ condition.

Who Places Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges?

Prosthodontists generally place crowns and bridges. They are dentists who specialize in problems involving missing, damaged, decayed, or fractured teeth, and dental bone structure. They have completed dental school and three years of additional training.

Getting a dental crown usually requires two visits to a prosthodontist. Getting a bridge may require multiple visits, as it involves preparing the adjacent teeth for the placement of the bridge-supporting crowns.

Find Affordable Prosthodontists in Philadelphia

Dental crowns offer long-term savings. By addressing a damaged or weakened tooth early on, you can potentially avoid more extensive and expensive dental treatments later.

PDM at PHMC on Cedar make affordable dental crowns and affordable dental bridges available to patients in Philadelphia, the Philadelphia suburbs, and from across the Delaware Valley. Our skilled dental students practice under the close supervision of experienced dentists, many of whom are dental school faculty.

Our educational mission means you receive treatment from affordable prosthodontists. You’ll pay far less than you would at a private practice.

We accept most dental insurance plans, including all Medicaid plans offered to Southeastern Pennsylvania residents. We also make manageable third-party financing options available to qualifying patients.

Take the next step toward your affordable dental crowns, as so many in the Philadelphia region have. Schedule your appointment online or call PDM at PHMC on Cedar at 855-887-9229.

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