First Visit

Preparing For Your First Visit to PDM at PHMC Public Health Campus on Cedar

During your first appointment at Penn Dental Medicine at PHMC Public Health Campus on Cedar, you’ll undergo a thorough assessment. The dentist will meet with you, perform an oral exam, and take any needed X-rays. They’ll inquire about any dental issues or worries you have so these can be addressed right away. This comprehensive evaluation ensures your dentist fully understands your oral health status before creating your customized treatment plan.

Please bring any dental records, X-rays, or radiographs from the last 5 years to your first visit. Both physical copies and digital files are acceptable. Providing your previous dental history helps your new dentist make an accurate assessment of your oral health and speeds up the initial evaluation process. With a comprehensive understanding of your prior treatment, your dentist can seamlessly continue any ongoing care and develop an effective plan just for you.

If you need to reschedule, please call 855-887-9229 at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. After calling, press 2 for Dental and then 2 for PDM at PHMC on Cedar.

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We look forward to serving you and your family.