If you’re suffering from tooth pain, a dislodged (or avulsed) tooth, or other dental injury, an endodontist in Philadelphia should be your first call. Endodontists are specialists in treating teeth and dental problems and relieving pain and discomfort. They use various methods, such as root canals, to fix teeth that have become stuck or damaged due to decay or injury. Endodontists, such as the ones at Penn Dental Medicine at PHMC Public Health Campus on Cedar, can—literally and figuratively—get to the root of your tooth’s problem and heal your smile fast.
What You Need To Know About Endodontics in Philadelphia
Endodontists are dental specialists who have received an additional two to three years of training after dental school to diagnose and treat tooth pain and infection through procedures done to the inside of the tooth (the tooth pulp or root, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues, and holds your tooth in place). They also aim to preserve your natural teeth.
When Should You See an Endodontist?
There are many reasons why someone might need to see an endodontist:
- You are experiencing tooth pain.
- You see inflammation in the gum surrounding the tooth.
- You have a fever along with pain or inflammation.
- You have trouble or pain when biting down.
- You’re having difficulty eating or drinking because of tooth discomfort.
- Your tooth is severely damaged or dislodged (avulsed) due to an injury.
- Your teeth are sensitive to hot and/or cold temperatures.
What Happens During Your Visit?
You will receive an exam of the affected tooth and surrounding area; in most instances, X-rays will be taken. The endodontist will then go over the results and develop a course of endodontic treatment that best suits your needs. These treatments can include a root canal or removing damaged teeth and preserving the surrounding teeth and tissues.
What Is a Root Canal?
Root canal therapy is a procedure that involves removing the root of a tooth. This is usually done if the tooth is damaged or if it has become infected due to decay and periodontal disease. Sometimes, a root canal may also be necessary to correct a dental injury resulting in a dislodged tooth. If the diseased or injured root is removed quickly, the tooth may not suffer any permanent damage.
Endodontists are root canal specialists. They use a special, small dental drill to remove the damaged or infected root material. Once it is removed, the endodontist cleans and fills the space with a special material called dentin cement. Finally, the entire tooth and surrounding area will be restored to its original condition and appearance with a crown or another type of dental restoration.
What Are Traumatic Dental Injuries?
Traumatic dental injuries can include any injury that causes extensive damage to the teeth and surrounding tissues. This can occur when you fall out of a chair, get hit in the head, or bite down on something hard enough to crack a tooth.
An endodontist will treat any traumatic dental injury by removing the damaged tooth when there is too much tissue damage to save it. They also restore the surrounding tissues. Note that root canals may be used to treat damaged teeth, as well.
Where Can You Find High-Quality, Affordable Root Canals in Philadelphia?
The cost of a root canal varies depending on the dental work’s complexity and the tooth’s location. In general, a root canal will typically cost between $1,000 and $2,500. However, when you visit the root canal specialists at PDM at PHMC on Cedar, you will experience something different: top-quality care from the nation’s top dentists for 50% to 70% less than other area practices charge. Here’s why:
The primary role of the Penn Dental Medicine Clinical Education Program is the training of dental health professionals. Patients are charged a reasonable fee to cover the operating costs and services of the clinic. Our faculty oversees the care performed by our student doctors to ensure you receive the highest quality treatment.
How To Make an Appointment at PDM at PHMC on Cedar
If you or a loved one are suffering from tooth pain or sensitivity or have endured a traumatic dental injury, our endodontic department at PDM at PHMC on Cedar is ready to help. Call 855-887-9229 and press 2 for Dental and then 2 for PDM at PHMC on Cedar, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Read more about what to expect from your first visit with one of our Philadelphia root canal dentists here. Then, relax—you’ve taken the critical first step toward relieving any pain you may be suffering and restoring your healthy smile.