Student Dentists Share Their First-Year Experience at PDM

Sunday, October 20, 2024
Student Dentists Share Their First-Year Experience at PDM

Our Penn Dental Medicine (PDM) clinics have long provided dental care through our healthcare team consisting of University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine faculty, student dentists, and staff. Our unique philosophy of making patient care part of our educational programs is almost 150 years old. We were curious about our most recent dental students’ thoughts about participating in the clinics today. We asked third-year student dentists Chris, Tanaya, and Lucas five questions about their experience. Here’s what being part of the program has meant to them.

Student Dentists Answer 5 Top Questions About Their PDM Experience

From seeing firsthand how PDM’s dental clinics make dental care more affordable for our Philadelphia neighbors to detailing the most gratifying aspect of their first year providing care, dental school students Lucas, Chris, and Tanaya’s answers offer insight into what they feel makes PDM different.

1. How does PDM address the affordability issue for patients, and how does this impact your experience as a dental student?

Chris mentions that he saw how PDM goes above and beyond to make dental treatment affordable: “Services rendered by predoctoral students are offered at an economical rate. Grants to offset treatment costs are available to patients, including those based on household income and veteran status, to name a few.”

A tray of dental tools in a dentist’s exam room. “Affordability is something I see patients struggle with often,” Tanaya says. One case that stood out was a patient who had recently lost her job, and her insurance denied coverage for her much-needed treatment. “Thankfully, we have the Delta Grant here at school, and I was able to advocate for her. Because of that, she received the care she needed without the financial strain.”

Lucas discovered that affordability of dental care is one of the top reasons patients seek care at PDM. “Dentistry is expensive, and dental insurance is very confusing to many patients,” he explains. “PDM is a great option for patients because they can receive the exceptional care they need at a discounted price compared to private practice.”

2. Can you explain the importance of training in multiple specialties during your time at PDM and how this prepares you for a diverse career in dentistry?

“One of the main reasons I chose to come to PDM is due to their training in so many different specialties,” Lucas notes. “We are lucky to have some amazing faculty members who teach us about their various specialties and give us hands-on experience with each of them. I believe this training creates versatile providers who are knowledgeable in all fields of dentistry … and provides the best possible treatment for our patients.”

Tanaya says, “Getting to rotate through different specialties gives us a chance to dive into everything, from routine care to more complex cases. … They’ve given me the hands-on experience that I know will make me a well-rounded dentist.”

“PDM exposes its predoctoral students to dental specialties,” Chris explains. “These experiences have given me an appreciation for the vast scope within dentistry and helped me explore my own clinical interests.”

3. How does the experience at PDM differ from what you might expect in a typical dental office, especially regarding patient care and learning opportunities?

“The greatest difference in one’s experience at PDM as compared to a typical dental office is mainly in that PDM is a teaching institution,” says Chris. “The amount of time predoctoral students are allotted per patient is generous and allows the student to truly understand all health aspects of the patient from various perspectives of clinical faculty.”

A dentist showing a patient an X-ray on a tablet. For Tanaya, that stands out, as well. Longer appointments “give us the chance to really connect with patients. That connection is something I value deeply.” She also appreciates that she is trained in both traditional methods and the latest tools so that she’s equipped to work in almost any environment.

Lucas also sees the breadth of services offered as a big difference maker: “PDM is a very busy place with a collection of clinics functioning simultaneously. The list of services offered at PDM is as extensive as it gets, allowing patients to come to one place to receive care for all their needs.”

4. Could you share a memorable experience with a patient who returned to PDM and what it meant to you to see their progress?

“I have an amazing patient I still see regularly,” Lucas tells us. “The first time I saw her, she knew she needed some restorative work done but was skeptical due to her past dental experiences.”

As she explained her situation, she broke down in tears. A partial denture made to replace some missing teeth was causing her severe nerve pain. Lucas had some suspicions of the cause and referred her to the oral medicine clinic along with adjusting her partial denture. “She said that has resolved 98% of the issue,” he says. “She is so thankful for our compassionate care, and it makes me so happy to see her improving.”

Tanaya feels that one of the most rewarding parts of dentistry is the relationships she builds with her patients: “I remember a patient who came in for an urgent care visit because her gums were so painful. We worked together on a treatment plan, and when she came back two months later, her condition had improved so much. Seeing how much happier she was and knowing I had a hand in that—through what seemed like a simple treatment—was incredibly fulfilling.”

For Chris, helping a patient during a rotation at Mercy LIFE (Living Independently for Elders) made an impact. During an examination, “We noticed [the patient’s] existing complete upper and lower dentures were loose fitting. She had the prostheses for many years, and we planned the fabrication of a new set. It took a few weeks to complete them. At delivery, the patient was so happy with the final product and had the biggest smile leaving the clinic. That was my first

denture delivery and I was proud to be of service to the patient.”

5. What has been the most gratifying aspect of your first year providing care at PDM, particularly in seeing the success and satisfaction of your patients?

Chris says that aside from being able to impart knowledge gained at PDM to enhance patients’ lives, he’s equally learned from them. “Each interaction has provided me with the opportunity to better my communication skills in explaining clinical findings, recommended treatment, and, more importantly, learning from people of various walks of life.”

What Tanaya finds most gratifying is working with patients who come from backgrounds similar to hers. “I was fortunate to be a third-year dental student when we opened our HUP-Cedar

location in West Philadelphia, a federally qualified health center. The patients we see there

often don’t have insurance or access to care, and being able to make a difference in their lives is something I’ll always cherish.”

“It is very rewarding to put all our education over the first few years at PDM into use in the clinics. The most gratifying aspect is seeing patients who are truly thankful for what we have done for them,” Lucas explains. “I will never forget the first patient who shed tears of joy when she saw the new teeth I had made for her.”

A young couple smiles while standing outside.When It Comes to Dental Care, Choose the PDM Difference

If you’ve ever wondered what receiving care at PDM would be like, these first-year experiences shared by student dentists Chris, Tanaya, and Lucas clearly explain what our patients encounter. We’re dedicated to treating you with the latest tools and respectful patient care—while keeping treatment affordable. We’re also dedicated to giving future dentists the education and experience they need to be skilled and compassionate dental practitioners.

Experience the difference a visit to one of our PDM dental clinics can make to your smile and oral health. Just call our office at 215-898-8965 or contact us to schedule an appointment. (You might even meet Chris, Tanaya, or Lucas when you come to see us.)

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