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Most parents have heard that kids need to brush twice a day and stay away from sugar. Easier said than done!
According to a survey performed by the ADA, about 75% of parents admit that their kids have forgotten to brush their teeth. It’s also estimated that 51 million hours of the school year in the United States are missed due to tooth-related aches, pains and treatment. With that in mind, it’s no surprise to hear that the majority of children have missed a brushing.
Can forgetting to brush impact a child’s dental health long term? The answer is yes. If kids are not educated on dental health early or are never taught that oral health is an important part of their daily routine they may end up having more trouble later on in life taking care of the oral issues that have developed from lack of care. According to the ADA parents admit that oral health is not a priority in comparison to cold/flu season, school safety and nutrition.
How can a parent get started on educating their children of the importance of having good oral health? We have 5 simple suggestions parents can use to create excitement and enthusiasm around good dental habits for children.
If you are looking to encouraging your children to better take care of their oral health by brushing and flossing, feel free to give Penn Dental Medicine a call. Penn Dental Medicine provides pediatric dentists who can help teach your children the importance of good oral healthy.
Penn Dental Medicine also offers the Penn Smiles Mobile Dental Clinic, allowing kids at schools to receive oral health screenings and free exams to be sure the are reaching their oral health potential. For more information, give us a call today at 215.898.7337.