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The decision to get dentures is a big one, and not one that should be taken lightly. Dentures are custom-made for a patient’s mouth, and in order to feel right, they need to fit right. Good-fitting dentures can give patients a natural feeling experience of eating, speaking, and other tasks involving the palate and teeth. But bad-fitting dentures can be uncomfortable, chafe, and look unnatural.
So patients need to think carefully about the dentures they invest in. Making dentures is a fairly complicated and long process, and no one wants to wait around for dentures to be made only to find that they’re a bad fit, uncomfortable, or don’t feel like the patient expected. Patients want to get the right pair of dentures the first time.
If you’re a patient looking for dentures in Philly, Penn Dental Medicine can help. Our highly-trained team of expert dentists and students work together tirelessly to produce high-quality dentures that are perfect fits. If you’re not sure how to find an affordable option for dentures in Philly, we’re here to put you on the right track.
Dentures are something that patients should think carefully about before investing in. Considering your options will allow you to choose a dentist and a plan for getting dentures that is both affordable and appropriate for your teeth. Here are the two common options that Philadelphia dentures dentists offer:
It may seem like partial dentures would be a cheaper option for dentures in Philly because they simulate fewer teeth, but this is not always the case. Partial dentures need to be attached to crowns on existing teeth. If those crowns are not already present, they will need to be installed, adding to the overall cost of the procedure.
Factors like these are obstacles to consumers looking for affordable Philadelphia dentures. If you’re thinking about dentures in Philly but don’t know where to find the deal you want, we can help. As a dental school, Penn Dental Medicine can transfer the benefits of its educational mission to patients by offering highly discounted rates for dentures and other dental services.
Give Penn Dental Medicine a call today for more information, or set an appointment to learn about the affordable dentures in Philadelphia that we offer.