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On the one hand, we know more about cancers than we used to. On the other hand, there are aspects of our modern lifestyle that cause cancer. So how does it balance out? Do we have more cancer than previous generations, or are we just more knowledgeable?
Avoiding Cancer Risk Factors
Most people have to make a concerted effort to be able to avoid the lifestyle factors associated with cancer risk. Cancer, in general, is generally associated with chronic inflammation in the body, so prevention can involve taking actions to decrease inflammation.
A few of these include:
Oral cancer prevention follows the same rules, with an additional caveat: tobacco issues and alcohol drinking increase the probability of getting oral cancer. 25% of oral cancers worldwide are attributed to tobacco usage!
Oral cancer restoration comes with its own unique challenges. Prosthodontists can help people who need reconstruction after having oral cancer.
No one wants to get oral cancer or have to get oral cancer restoration. But that doesn’t mean you and your family are immune; anyone could get oral cancer, even if you aren’t an alcohol or tobacco user. Take these steps to protect yourself, and learn what to do if you get oral cancer:
Like any cancer, oral cancer is a situation no one wants to see their loved ones face. We can’t control aging, which is a risk factor for cancer, but we can reduce inflammation, avoid unhealthy substances, and make good dietary choices (plus vitamins!).
The good news is that more oral cancer restoration is needed than ever before because more people are recovering from cancer in the first place. And the truth is that more people getting better because screenings allow dentists to find cancer at its earliest stages, when it can still be treated.
Yes, we’re facing more risk factors for cancer than the generations before. But that’s also because we’re living longer– and now, we have the tools we need to detect cancer early.
Don’t miss the opportunity to get a screening for you and your loved ones at your next appointment at Penn Dental Medicine. To learn more about oral cancer screenings and oral cancer restoration services, call our offices at 215-898-8965.