How do I become a patient at Penn Dental Medicine?

The first step toward becoming a patient is to schedule your initial examination. During this visit, your medical history will be recorded, and brief physical and dental examinations will be performed to determine your eligibility. If you are eligible to participate in our program, you will be assigned to a student in our predoctoral or postdoctoral clinics, depending upon your needs. At your next appointment, your student doctor will complete a comprehensive evaluation under faculty supervision, and he or she will develop a personalized treatment plan that best addresses your dental care needs.
If you are not accepted into our program, we will recommend a dental treatment that we feel is in your best interest to pursue.

What are the fees?

Penn Dental Medicine patients are charged a reasonable fee to cover the operating costs and services of the clinic. Patients are always advised of their recommended treatment and estimated costs, as well as any alternative treatments. Fee estimates are based upon current fees at the time the treatment plan is signed. This fee schedule is reviewed annually.

Is there a charge for your services?

Yes, patients are charged a reasonable fee to cover the operating costs and services of the clinic. You will be advised of the estimated cost of your treatment before it begins. The fee is then charged at the time of service.

Do you accept insurance?

Penn Dental Medicine accepts direct payments from most dental insurance plans. You should contact your insurance company or consult your certificate of coverage for details on covered or non-covered services, co-payments, service limitations, yearly maximum, and the insurance plan’s relationship with Penn Dental Medicine.

Who will be performing these services?

Services are performed by predoctoral and postdoctoral student doctors, under the supervision of faculty members of Penn Dental Medicine.

Will the student working on me be supervised by a faculty member?

Yes, all of our student doctors are supervised by a faculty member while they provide services to patients.

Do you provide discounted parking or validated parking?

Discounted parking is available at the University of Pennsylvania parking facility at 40th and Walnut streets.

How long will my procedure take?

Because students will be providing your treatment, care will take longer than it would in a private practice. However, the quality of your treatment will not be compromised; you can have confidence you are receiving the highest level of care.

What dental services and specialties do you provide?

We provide a full range of general and speciality services, including:

If you have further questions about specific treatment options, please speak with your student doctor.

Do you provide emergency services?

Penn Dental Medicine maintains an ongoing emergency dental care service for our patients and the local community.

How quickly could I come in for an emergency appointment?

Emergency appointments are available throughout the day Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, excluding school holidays. After hours, on weekends, and on school holidays, you can call 215-898-8965 to receive directions to your nearest hospital.

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We look forward to serving you and your family.