Visit us at the New Patient Fair!
Join us on Friday, March 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m and get a FREE dental exam.
Have you ever wondered whether smoking affects oral health, if at all?
If you or a loved one consume tobacco products or e-cigarettes, our eBook is a must-read. Inside, you’ll find the latest research on tobacco’s effects on oral health in terms that are easy to understand. Whether or not you (or your loved one) currently has plans to quit, this information will help you take control of your oral health today and for years to come.
This eBook is the most important material we’ve ever published in regards to oral health because these facts make that great a difference to your wellbeing.
You’ll learn:
Check it out for yourself by filling out the form to download a complimentary copy.
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We look forward to serving you and your family.